Monday, September 24, 2007

Gates of Vienna: Swedish Muslims Will Exhibit the Modoggies

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Swedish Muslims Will Exhibit the Modoggies

by Baron Bodissey

Our Swedish corrsespondent Carpenter sent us an email this morning with the latest on the Modoggie affair:

TT (Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, the Swedish news agency) reported yesterday that the network of SEMUS (Sekulära Muslimer i Sverige = Secular Muslims in Sweden) is about to exhibit Vilks’ Mohammed-drawings in a gallery. A sign of moderation?
The dispatch was published in many newspapers, among them Helsingborgs Dagblad.

Here’s Carpenter’s translation of the article in question:
Muslims exhibit Vilks’ Mohammed drawings
Lars Vilks’ drawingMuslims now want to exhibit Lars Vilks’ drawings of the prophet Mohammed as a dog. A balanced debate on the artwork is needed, the initiators think
It’s the network Sekulära Muslimer i Sverige (Semus) and the magazine Minaret who together have initiated the exhibition of the much-discussed dog drawings
"This will happen on an established stage for music and culture in Stockholm. Negotiations are going on; I think it’ll be finished next week," says Hooman Anvari of Semus to TT.
More than that he doesn’t want to say as yet, but he considers the chance that the exhibition will take place to be good.
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“In part because there’s a public interest for a balanced discussion on this matter, and in part because Lars Vilks has agreed to take part,” says Hooman Anvari.
This is the third try for the drawings during a short period. Exhibitiors in Värmland and Bohuslän earlier have said no to showing them.
Hooman Anvari himself thinks the drawings are disgusting, but he wants them exhibited anyway.
“The intention is to create a balanced debate on free spech, freedom of religion and democracy. These issues tend to get polarized if one doesn’t handle the debate in a good way.”

Gates of Vienna: Swedish Muslims Will Exhibit the Modoggies

Friday, September 14, 2007

Who are the "moderate Muslims", asks Muqtedar Khan, Ph.D.

Who are the "moderate Muslims"?
The term moderate Muslims is not only becoming important in the post September 11 discussion of Islam and the West, it is also becoming highly contested. What do we really mean when we brand someone as a moderate Muslim? Indeed the more interesting question is what does the word mean to Westerns, looking-in to Islam, and to Muslims, looking out from within Islam?
By Muqtedar Khan, Ph.D.

As one who identifies himself strongly with the idea of a liberal Islam and also advocates moderation in the manifestation and __expression of Islamic politics, I believe it is important that we flush out this “political identity”. In an era when who we are determines what we do politically, it is imperative that we clarify the “we” in politics.

American media uses the term moderate Muslim to indicate a Muslim who is either pro-western in her politics or is being self-critical in her discourse. Therefore both President Karzai of Afghanistan and Professor Kahlid Abul Fadl of UCLA wear the cap with felicity, the former for his politics the latter for his ideas.

Muslims in general do not like using the term, understanding it to indicate an individual who has politically sold out to the “other” side. In some internal intellectual debates, the term moderate Muslim is used pejoratively to indicate a Muslim who is more secular and less Islamic than the norm, which varies across communities. In America, a moderate Muslim is one who peddles a softer form of Islam – the Islam of John Esposito and Karen Arm Strong – is willing to co-exist peacefully with peoples of other faiths and is comfortable with democracy and the separation of politics and religion.

Both, Western media and Muslims, do a disservice by branding some Muslims as moderate on the basis of their politics. These people should general be understood as opportunists and self-serving. Most of the moderate regimes in the Muslim World are neither democratic nor manifest the softer side of Islam. That leaves intellectual positions as the criteria for determining who is a moderate Muslim, and especially in comparison to whom, since moderate is a relative term.

Both Muslims and the media are generally on the mark when they identify moderate Muslims as reflective, self-critical, pro-democracy and human-rights and closet secularists. But who are they different from and how?

I believe that moderate Muslims are different from militant Muslims even though both of them advocate the establishment of societies whose organizing principle is Islam. The difference between moderate and militant Muslims is in their methodological orientation and in the primordial normative preferences which shape their interpretation of Islam.

For moderate Muslims Ijtihad is the preferred method of choice for social and political change and military Jihad the last option. For militant Muslims, military Jihad is the first option and Ijtihad is not an option at all.

Ijtihad narrowly understood is a juristic tool that allows independent reasoning to articulate Islamic law on issues where textual sources are silent. The unstated assumption being when texts have spoken reason must be silent. But increasingly moderate Muslim intellectuals see Ijtihad as the spirit of Islamic thought that is necessary for the vitality of Islamic ideas and Islamic civilization. Without Ijtihad, Islamic thought and Islamic civilization fall into decay.

Who are the "moderate Muslims", asks Muqtedar Khan, Ph.D.